Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Must-Follow Facebook Pages for Parents!

Ah, social media!  It can be such a double-edged sword.  On the one hand, it can help us stay connected to friends and loved ones, keep up with what's going on in the world, and give us a much-needed break from housework, jobs, childcare, and all the rest of it.  But on the other hand, it can warp how we view the world and ourselves.  After all, it isn't hard to feel discontent with your kitchen or vacation when you're constantly seeing pictures of other people's perfect stuff.  And if you've seen 500 pictures of Martha Stewart-level kids' parties, it's a slippery slope to feeling like you're failing as a parent because your minion birthday cake came out looking a little wonky.  

So let's reclaim social media and make it a place of learning, connection, and growth, not discontent and feeling bad about ourselves!  If you're looking for some Facebook pages and groups that will empower, educate, and connect you with other parents who, like the rest of us, are figuring this whole thing out as we go along, check out these ones!

Gratiot-Isabella Great Start Collaborative:  Of course I have to make a plug for our Facebook page!  But it really is a good place to find out about community resources, kids' activities, really fun parent cafés, and educational stuff for kids and adults!

Positive Parenting Solutions:  You guys, I love this page!  I was scrolling through it, and I basically wanted to repost every. single. thing.  It's uplifting, funny, and full of really solid parenting advice for kids of all ages.  Go check it out!

Solros Positive Parent Community:  This is another fantastic facebook page I highly recommend following!  They have excellent articles, infographics, and quotes that really get you thinking.  If we all had facebook feeds full of parenting tidbits like these, the world would be full of intentional, kind, effective parents who raise happy, kind, effective kids.

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